• Solutions customized to meet each specific need.
  • Safety and efficiency: regular analyses and residual ozone measurements.
  • Maximum quality, manufactured by the company itself in Spain.
  • A company licensed to operate in the European Union.

Interior Air Quality: Air Purification and Disinfection and the Elimination of Bad Smells

ASP offers air purification and disinfection solutions based on ozone generation and high-performance filtration to obtain clean and healthy indoor environments, controlling pathogenic microorganisms and contaminants in the air.

Moreover, the company provides specialized services to eliminate all sorts of bad smells that affect the image of businesses as well as the comfort of employees, also getting rid of the sensation of an environment with too many smells.

Ozonated air and/or air purifiers have multiple purification and disinfection applications, including at offices, schools, retirement homes, restaurants, cafés, gyms, clinics, hotels and for household use.

Interior Air Quality: Air Purification and Disinfection and the Elimination of Bad Smells

ASP offers air purification and disinfection solutions based on ozone generation and high-performance filtration to obtain clean and healthy indoor environments, controlling pathogenic microorganisms and contaminants in the air.

Moreover, the company provides specialized services to eliminate all sorts of bad smells that affect the image of businesses as well as the comfort of employees, also getting rid of the sensation of an environment with too many smells.

Ozonated air and/or air purifiers have multiple purification and disinfection applications, including at offices, schools, retirement homes, restaurants, cafés, gyms, clinics, hotels and for household use.
  • Restaurants, cafés and bars
  • Clinics and hospitals
  • Schools
  • Gyms
  • Hotels
  • Retirement homes
  • Offices
  • Carwashes

Water Treatment

ASP’s ozone-based water treatment systems are respectful of the environment, people and food products, as ozone does not leave behind any chemical residues (because it breaks down into oxygen).

It can be used to make water potable, to reuse wastewater, to prevent Legionella, to treat water at spas and pools and more...

Tratamientos de aguas

ASP’s ozone-based water treatment systems are respectful of the environment, people and food products, as ozone does not leave behind any chemical residues (because it breaks down into oxygen).

It can be used to make water potable, to reuse wastewater, to prevent Legionella, to treat water at spas and pools and more...

    • Spas and pools    • Food disinfection

    • Legionella

    • Wastewater 

    • Industrial laundromats

    • Iron and manganese

Food Safety and Hygiene

In the hotel and restaurant industry, ASP implements ozone systems to sterilize and disinfect foods, surfaces, machinery, cutting tools, etc. It also provides solutions for disinfecting and deodorizing refrigerated rooms to improve the conservation of food products.

Both in its gas form as well as in the form of ozonated water, ozone guarantees optimal disinfection and sterilization without leaving behind any type of chemical residue (as it naturally breaks down into oxygen).

Seguridad e higiene alimentaria

In the hotel and restaurant industry, ASP implements ozone systems to sterilize and disinfect foods, surfaces, machinery, cutting tools, etc. It also provides solutions for disinfecting and deodorizing refrigerated rooms to improve the conservation of food products.

Both in its gas form as well as in the form of ozonated water, ozone guarantees optimal disinfection and sterilization without leaving behind any type of chemical residue (as it naturally breaks down into oxygen).

    • The restaurant industry

    • The hotel industry

    • Businesses

    • The viticulture industry

    • HACCP

Ozone in Agriculture

ASP implements ozone systems that are customized for each farm in order to improve production and profitability, preventing and treating diseases without leaving behind chemical residues.

Agricultural applications of ozone:

• Watering of crops with ozonated water, including in greenhouses, hydroponics, organic crops, open fields…

• Pulverization (as a substitute for fertilizing or fumigation) and foliar treatments with ozonated water.

• Disinfection and sterilization (soil, farming tools, irrigation water, filling systems and the produce itself).

• Irrigation and treatment with ozonated water in nurseries and greenhouses.

Applications of ozone following the harvest:

• Cleaning and disinfection of fruits and vegetables; hydrocooling systems.

• Conservation of fruits and vegetables in refrigerated rooms (ozone gas).

• Ethylene control with ozone gas.

• Sterilization of white rooms or handling rooms, packaging, machinery…

Ozone in Agriculture

ASP implements ozone systems that are customized for each farm in order to improve production and profitability, preventing and treating diseases without leaving behind chemical residues.

Agricultural applications of ozone:

• Watering of crops with ozonated water, including in greenhouses, hydroponics, organic crops, open fields…

• Pulverization (as a substitute for fertilizing or fumigation) and foliar treatments with ozonated water.

• Disinfection and sterilization (soil, farming tools, irrigation water, filling systems and the produce itself).

• Irrigation and treatment with ozonated water in nurseries and greenhouses.

Applications of ozone following the harvest:

• Cleaning and disinfection of fruits and vegetables; hydrocooling systems.

• Conservation of fruits and vegetables in refrigerated rooms (ozone gas).

• Ethylene control with ozone gas.

• Sterilization of white rooms or handling rooms, packaging, machinery…

Ozone in Agriculture

ASP implements ozone systems that are customized for each farm in order to improve production and profitability, preventing and treating diseases without leaving behind chemical residues.

Agricultural applications of ozone:

• Watering of crops with ozonated water, including in greenhouses, hydroponics, organic crops, open fields…

• Pulverization (as a substitute for fertilizing or fumigation) and foliar treatments with ozonated water.

• Disinfection and sterilization (soil, farming tools, irrigation water, filling systems and the produce itself).

• Irrigation and treatment with ozonated water in nurseries and greenhouses.

Applications of ozone following the harvest:

• Cleaning and disinfection of fruits and vegetables; hydrocooling systems.

• Conservation of fruits and vegetables in refrigerated rooms (ozone gas).

• Ethylene control with ozone gas.

• Sterilization of white rooms or handling rooms, packaging, machinery…

More information about agriculture services with ozone

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